Examinations and Assessment: June 2020 – Guidelines

Dear RBS Students,

COVID-19 has severely disrupted our lives, and will have a profound effect on everything we do going forward. In response, REGENT Business School has put in place many additional support mechanisms to help students through these difficult times.Please check out the student portal where you will find a range of materials.

In addition to the pre-recorded webinars, voice-overs, live webinars and resources, RBS also conceived of a new assessment strategy.

As you know, for the June and November 2020 examinations and assessment, RBS is introducing take-home assessments.

This message deals with the detail of the take-home assessment. Please click on the below links:

  • Examination and Assessment Guidelines for the Alternative Assessment Framework – MAY 2020
  • Take-home exams infographic

Please be informed that your lecturers are currently preparing recorded videos that will take you through the step-by-step process for the upcoming examination.

For any further information, please contact [email protected]  

Office of the Managing Director and Dean
