Overview of Submission


Authors are encouraged to submit original manuscripts online, ensuring they are not under review by another journal, and following the format specified in the author guidelines. All submitted manuscripts undergo plagiarism checks both before and after the blind peer review process, prior to being accepted. The journal offers authors the ability to monitor and engage in various stages of the manuscript process, including the review, copy editing, layout editing, and proofing, all of which are conducted online. The publisher uses multiple communication methods such as email, text messages, and phone calls to provide status updates and request actions from authors. Therefore, authors are advised to regularly update their user profiles with the latest contact details

Overview of Submission

The author guidelines cover how to prepare a manuscript for submission as well as information on the kinds of articles that are accepted for publication. Contributions may be submitted in the form of articles, review articles and book reviews

The required cover letter is a component of the submission and needs to be sent with all other necessary forms. Every form must be filled out in English.

1. Original Research Articles

An original article follows a clear and well-structured format and presents an overview of a ground-breaking research in a specific field within or related to the journal’s focus and scope.

Submission status


Word limit

7000 words (including tables, diagrams, and appendices).


Each contribution should be accompanied by an abstract of words, and a list of not more than 6 keywords.

maximum: 150 to 250 words
requires structural heading: Background, Aim, Setting, Methods, Results, Conclusion and Recommendations

Main text

– Refer to the full structure

-‘Ethical considerations’ is a sub-section in the manuscript and must include:


The Harvard method of referencing should be used, adhere to the Harvard referencing style

Tables, figures and graphs

7 or less, adhere to the Illustrations requirements found in the HARVARD Referencing Style

Formatting requirements

apply the guidelines located on the Formatting requirements page 

Compulsory supplementary file(s)

Confirmation that the contribution has not been submitted elsewhere for publication, should accompany the submission with the author`s electronic signature. Except for themed special editions where authors may be invited to submit articles

the Authorship agreement form, Ethical Clearance/Waiver Documentation and any other relevant form applicable to your submission

Ethical clearance/waiver documentation

evidence of ethical clearance for the study, such as the study approval letter or certificate from the RBS Ethics Committee, or from your respective University Ethics Committee

2. Corrections

A published article’s correction gives the author a forum to address significant, scientifically significant mistakes or omissions. Any post-publication modifications that impact the scientific interpretation (e.g., addition of missing details about a method, error in a figure, data error that does not impact conclusions, or changes to a misleading portion of an otherwise reliable publication) are announced using a Correction.

Compulsory title

The title of the submission should have the following format: ‘Corrigendum: Title of original article’.

Submission File

completed Correction Submission Form (required)

Compulsory supplementary file

any supporting documents or emails, 

2. Book Reviews


  • Book reviews articles must comprise of 500-1500 words
  • When preparing your manuscript the title page should:

– Present a title that in the form ‘Review of “book title” by [book’s Author(s)]’,

    • e.g. Review of “Understanding the Human Behaviour in African Context” by Carol E. Smith.
  • Provide each author’s complete name and institutional address.
    • if a collaboration group should be listed as an author, please list the group name as an author and include the names of the individual members of the group in the “Acknowledgements” section in accordance with the instructions below
    • Currently, Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, do not meet our authorship criteria. Notably, giving credit for authorship entails accountability for the work, which is inapplicable to LLMs.
  • List the associated author

Book details

This should give the full reference to the book you are reviewing (including ISBN and number of pages). No further inclusion in the references is needed. For example:

Smith, CE

Understanding Human Behaviour in African Context.

South Africa: International Journal of Management Perspectives; 2024.

370 pages, (ISSN 1996-7187)


Six keywords representing the main content of the article.

Main text

Break this into subsections with clear and concise informative headings. This should contain the body of the article.

List of abbreviations

A list of abbreviations should be provided at first if there are any

Style and format

File format

  • Manuscript files can be in the following formats: DOC, DOCX, or RTF. Microsoft Word documents should not be locked or protected.
  • LaTeX documents (.tex) should be converted into Microsoft Word (.doc) before submission online.
  • Rich Text Format (RTF): Users of other word processing packages should save or convert their files to RTF before uploading. Many free tools are available that will make this process easier.


Manuscripts should adhere to the author guidelines of the journal. There are restrictions on word count, number of figures, or amount of supporting information.


Use a standard font size 12, and standard font Arial.

Special characters

Do not use the font named ‘Symbol’. To add symbols to the manuscript, use the Insert → Symbol function in your word processor or paste in the appropriate Unicode character.


Ensure that formatting for headings is consistent in the manuscript. Limit manuscript sections and sub-sections to four heading levels. To avoid confusion during the review and production process, ensure that the different heading levels used in your work are visually distinct from one another. The simplest way to achieve this is to use different font sizes and/or a combination of bold/italics for different heading levels.


Identify six keywords that represent the content of your manuscript and are specific to your field or sub-field, ensure to separate each keyword with a semi-colon. Test your keywords: when you enter your keywords into the various journal and academic databases like Google Scholar, do the results include papers similar to your topic? If not, revise the terms until they do.

Layout and spacing

Manuscript text should have a 1.5 line spacing.

Page and line numbers

Include page numbers and line numbers in the manuscript file. Use continuous line numbers (do not restart the numbering on each page).


Footnotes are not ideal. If your manuscript contains footnotes, move the information into the main text or the reference list, depending on the content.


Manuscripts must be written in British English, according to the Oxford English Dictionary (avoid Americanisms [e.g. use ‘s’ and not ‘z’ spellings], and set your version of Microsoft Word default language to UK English).


Define abbreviations upon first appearance in the text. Do not use non-standard abbreviations unless they appear at least three times in the text. Keep abbreviations to a minimum.


Illustrations fall into two categories:

  • Figures: Photographs, drawings, diagrams, graphs, flowcharts, maps, etc.
  • Tables and/or Boxes: Text and/or numbers arranged in orderly columns and rows.

Every time a Figure, Table and/or Box is presented in your manuscript, it should be referred to three times:

  • In a legend, which includes a number, a title, and its source. The legend is placed below a Figure and above a Table and/or Box. The source section should consist of the in-text citation, creator or owner and its year of creation, and any other attribution required as stipulated by the permission received (person and place) to reproduce.
  • In the body of your written manuscript. You should include an in-text citation and a sentence or two about the image explaining what it illustrates and why it is there.
  • As a reference entry within your reference list.


Referencing style guide

The manuscript must adhere to the Harvard referencing style.