Peer-review process​

Peer-review process

The purpose of peer review is to ensure that journals publish high-quality research that would benefit the entire research scientific community 

Step-by-step guide to assist scholars to successfully navigate the IJMP peer review process:

Step 1: Submission  

  1. Ensure that the scope and focus of your study aligns with the goals and parameters of our journal. Refer to the Overview of the Journal 
  1. Refer to our journal’s author guidelines and formatting requirements to ensure compliance as provided on the journal system 
  1. Once your manuscript is ready, you can submit it via the journal’s online submission system 

Step 2: Editorial Assessment  

  1. Once the manuscript is submitted, the editor-in-chief will conduct the initial assessment. This assessment includes assessing how well the manuscript aligns with the journal’s focus, its general quality, and its compliance with format requirements 
  1. If the manuscript meets these criteria, it proceeds to the next step 
  1. In the event that the manuscript is determined to be unsuitable for publication, it may be rejected at this point, in which case the scholar will be notified of the rejection 

Step 3: Peer Review Assignment  

  1. If the manuscript passes the initial assessment, the editor will assign the manuscript to a panel of experts in the same field. These experts, often referred to as reviewers or peers.  

On IJMP, reviewer identities are kept anonymous to ensure fairness and to avoid bias. Reviewers are chosen based on their expertise, experience, and capacity to offer insightful feedback on the manuscript. 

Step 4: Peer Review  

In the peer review process, reviewers carefully assess the manuscript’s content, methodology, originality, and importance. They evaluate the study’s strengths and weaknesses, pinpoint errors or gaps in the research, and offer helpful suggestions for enhancing the manuscript. Reviewers might also recommend changes. The evaluation process usually takes place within a certain period of time, possibly a month. 

Step 5: Decision  

Once the peer review is complete, reviewers will then submit their reports to the editor. The editor will make decision about the manuscript based on the feedback of the reviewers. The decision can be classified into several categories: 

  1. Acceptance: The manuscript is approved for publication without the need for major changes. 
  1. Minor revisions: The manuscript needs some minor changes and improvements before it can be accepted. 
  1. Major revisions: The manuscript requires substantial changes and must be reviewed again before a final decision is made. 
  1. Rejection: The manuscript is deemed unsuitable for publication in the journal. 

Step 6: Revision and Resubmission  

If revisions are needed, the scholar will be informed and be given the reviewers’ feedback. The scholar should thoroughly address each comment, make the necessary changes to the manuscript, and include a detailed explanation to the editor about the revisions. The updated manuscript, along with the response letter, should be resubmitted to the journal. 

Step 7: Final Decision and Publication  

Once the revised manuscript is received, the editor reviews it along with the responses and changes made. If the revisions are substantial, the manuscript may be returned to the reviewers for additional evaluation. The editor makes the final decision, taking into account the reviewers’ recommendations and the updated manuscript. If the manuscript is accepted, it proceeds through to the publication process, which includes language editing, and proofreading, before it officially gets published in the journal. 

Step 8: Post-Publication  

Once the article is published, scholars are encouraged to actively promote their work through different platforms, including social media, academic conferences, and partnerships with other researchers. Scholars must engage with the scientific community, address inquiries and feedback, and expand on the research through additional studies and collaborate with other researchers.