Reviewer Guidelines​

Reviewer Guidelines


The REGENT Business School – IJMP supports the peer review process, which ensures that the Journal maintains rigorous standards of scholarly communications and high-quality assessment procedures.

Review process

The manuscript will firstly be reviewed by the editorial staff. Once that is done, the manuscript will be forwarded, either directly or through a Section Editor by the Editor-in-Chief to two reputable, independent reviewers.

Reviewer invitations

The journal’s Editor-in-Chief will send out emails to invite reviewers. The manuscript abstract will be included with the invitation to assist you (reviewer) in determining whether or not to accept it.

Accept or decline invitation 

If you accept the invitation to review, kindly select the appropriate button and send an email to the editor to let them know whether you accept the invite. Thereafter, the manuscript will become accessible for download.

Due date

Kindly complete the review by the deadline mentioned. If you need to extend the deadline, please contact us.

  • Reviewers are generally allotted around 14-21 days after accepting a review invitation to submit their feedback.
  • A courtesy reminder is usually sent by the journal shortly before the review deadline.

Submitting the review

The review process takes place on the Journal website. If you experience any difficulties gaining access to the manuscript or submitting your comments, please contact us.

Competing interests

An author or their organization may be in conflict of interest if they have personal or financial relationship to individuals or groups that improperly sway (bias) their thoughts or deeds. If there is a chance that your interests could conflict, kindly do not review the manuscript. Please declare such conflicts within the review process.

Double-blinded peer review

Double-blinded peer review implies that neither the authors nor the reviewers know each other’s names and affiliations. So, to ensure this:

  1. In your MS Word document inspect your document and format according to this guideline: Remove hidden data and personal information by inspecting documents, presentations, or workbooks – Microsoft Support
  2. In your PDF document inspect your document and format according to this guideline: PDF properties and metadata, Adobe Acrobat

ISSN 1996-7187 Key title: International Journal of Management Perspectives (Online)Abbreviated key title: IJMP (Online)