Regent Business School partners with the Industrial Development Corporation

REGENT Business School Partners with the Industrial Development Corporation in Launching
A National Business Plan Writing Competition for MBA Students

REGENT Business School is proud to announce that it has secured a partnership with the Industrial Development Corporation(IDC) of South Africa in launching a national business plan writing competition for our MBA students. Established in 1940, the IDC is a national development finance institution set up to promote economic growth playing a catalytic role in promoting partnerships across industries within and outside our borders for regional economic growth. the IDC is an initiative of the South African government under the supervision of the Economic Development Ministry.

Having just completed a pilot project, the IDC is now running a national business plan competition for MBA students. In support of this initiative, the IDC will be sponsoring cash prizes to the winners, coupled with the chance of having their business plan subsidised by the IDC. The main objective from the IDC perspective would be to source business plans which they can then put through their funding process. From the student’s perspective, they will get real-world feedback on their business plans from sector experts at the IDC and have an opportunity to possibly have their plan funded by the IDC.

On another front, after having signed a memorandum of understanding with the IDC in respect of the business plan competition, REGENT Business School is also proud to announce that it would be partnering with the IDC in the “YK All African Grand Challenge in Environmental Sustainability – an initiative in Smart Innovation”. Towards this end the IDC has provided this initiative with an R50 000 sponsorship.

We certainly hope that our relationship with the IDC continues to grow and that our MBA students will partake of the Business Plan writing competition, and make REGENT Business School proud.

REGENT Business school takes the opportunity in thanking the IDC and wishes them all the best in their Nation Building endeavours.
