Brics Masterclass

The Centre for Entrepreneurship and the Institute for Local and Global Research Initiatives (ILGRI) at REGENT Business School in partnership with the South Africa’s Department of International Relationships and Cooperation (DIRCO), THE Embassies of the BRICS nations in South Africa, the Durban Chamber of Commerce, eThekwini Municipality, the Management College of Southern Africa (MANCOSA) and other Corporate and Public Sector Organisations is hosting a BRICS Masterclass on 16 September 2016. The occasion will also be used launch the BRICS and Emerging Markets Business Schools’ Association and provide an opportunity for delegates to interact with the Trade Missions of the BRICS countries.


Interaction and Trade between the BRICS Nations

Theme: Doing Business with the BRICS

Date: 16 September 2016

Venue: The New Centre for Entrepreneurship Building – REGENT Business

School – 35 Samora Machel Street – Durban

Time: 07h30 for 08h00 to 12h30

Cost: R500 per person


The morning will commence with a Reception and Welcome at 07h30 and a Breakfast at08h00 during which the BRICS and Emerging Markets Business Schools’ Association will be officially launched in South Africa. The Masterclass will commence at 09h30 and conclude at 11h00. Thereafter delegates will be able to interact with the BRICS Trade Missions.  A Finger Lunch will be served before the event draws to a conclusion at 12h30.

The Andries Botha (South Africa’s World Famous Artist) Exhibition on Sustainability will feature throughout the day

Seating at this Prestigious Event is Limited. To reserve a seat and register for the event, please contact

Ms Portia Nthetha:  [email protected]


Ms Alison Thomas:  [email protected]

